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Chlamydia Rapid Test Kit

Infection Risk=High | Health Consequences = High

Chlamydia Rapid Test Kit
  • For men & women
  • Highly reliable
  • Fast shipping
  • Easy to use
  • Result in 10 minutes
List Price: $44.95
You Save: $10.00
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  • Save $114.85


Chlamydia is the most common STD within New Zealand with young women being the most at risk. Many individuals experience no symptoms at all and as such are carrying the infection and spreading it without knowing. Chlamydia is an infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. This bacteria can be transmitted from during foreplay so using a condom does not guarantee protection. Chlamydia is easily treated and is easy to detect. If it goes untreated, Chlamydial infections can cause serious reproductive problems. Chlamydia is easily detected using a home test kit (or rapid test kit) that produces accurate results within a few minutes.

Home Use Instant Result Rapid Test Kit for Chlamydia. Results in <10 minutes..

Chlamydia infection is the most commonly reported sexual infection (STD) in the United States. It is caused by exposure to the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It is easily transmitted and can still be transmitted during protected sex due to contact with the infected party through other sexual acts. Many individuals who have an STD such as Chlamydia will experience pain when urinating or a painful discharge. However many do not recognize this and many infected individuals experience no symptoms at all and simply carry and transmit the infection to others. Its stealth infection rate within the United States is the cause of the sharp rise in new cases. Our home Chlamydia STD test kit detects Chlamydia infections. Chlamydia can be easily treated with antibiotics once detected. If left untreated Chlamydia can go on to cause serious health issues including permanent damage to the reproductive system. If in doubt, test now for Chlamydia with an STD home test kit.

Rapid test kits are designed as a primary screening solution for common STIs and all results should be discussed with your health professional.


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